Sunday, March 3, 2013

Artificial Brain

Artificial Brain - Title

Artificial Brain, Of the biggest mysteries in science and metaphysics, i.e. why does the universe exist, what is the ultimate theory of everything, is there intelligent life elsewhere, etc., we consider human consciousness to be the most pressing. The biggest question to us, how to solve these mysteries? By reverse engineering the human brain, can these biggest mysteries be solved? Well scientists believe in this and thus are continuously working hard to create something what they call artificial brain.


Ø What are Artificial Brains? Do these really exist?

Artificial brain is a term used to describe man made machines, equipments or software which is as intelligent and as creative as Animals or Human Beings. These have similar cognitive abilities as that of Human Beings or Animals. Although scientists till now have not been able to build any machine like this, but research is being done and is only a small matter of time. On the basis of the current trends in neuroscience, computing, and nanotechnology, it is estimated that artificial general intelligence will emerge in the 21st century, by the year 2025.


Ø What are the aims of creating an Artificial brain?

There are mainly three aims of creating and artificial brain -

               1st – To create a greater understanding about the working of the human brain, also called as “Cognitive Neuroscience.”

               2nd – To create a machine that has all the capabilities of Human Beings. To create a machine which should judge correctly, what is right and what is wrong without any human help. To create a machine that can take appropriate steps for the solution of the problem at correct timings.

               3rd – To create a machine having similar intelligence as that of the human beings. Projects dealing with these are quite long term project and require a large amount of human effort and investments. This idea has been popularised by Ray Kurzweil.

Ø Some Examples…

A project has been reported by Aston University in Birmingham, England where researchers are using biological cells to create "Neurospheres" which are basically small clusters of neurons in order to develop new treatments for diseases like Alzheimer's, Motor Neurone and Parkinson's Disease etc.

Another project is the “Blue Brain” project which aims at using conventional computing machines as an approach for the emulation of a whole brain. This project is directed by Henry Markram and is expected to be completed by the year 2025. The Blue Brain project is being conducted with the assistance of IBM in Lausanne The project is based on the premise that it is possible to artificially link the neurons "in the computer" by placing thirty million synapses in their proper three-dimensional position.

Neural Network


Ø Methods of Brain Simulation

             1st - Direct Method It is the most common approach adopted for the brain emulation in which artificial neural networks on a high-performance computing engines are used. However this approach is quite time consuming and the processes takes place quite slowly.

             2nd - Holographic Neural Technology (HNeT) This method is mainly based upon the non linear phase coherence/DE coherence principles. This method is basically analogous to vaious quantum processes through the core synaptic algorithm which has strong similarities to the QM wave equation.

              3rd – Ev Brain It is basically a form of an evolutionary software that has the ability to evolve "Brain like" neural networks. Such as the complex network behind the retina of our eye balls.

Ø Problems Associated With the Artificial Brains

            1st – Lack Of Technology Though we may be living in 21st century, but the technology which we have today is highly insufficient for the making of an Artificial Brain.Though the rate of growth and development of technology is fastly bridging the gap between the success and the time required for the generation of the first complete Artificial Brain.

             2nd – Time Consuming It is a great test of the patience and the countless efforts of the scientists and the researchers working on this. Even the generation of a small neuron cell requires a large amount of time.

             3rd - Ethical Issues In addition, there are ethical issues that should be resolved. The construction and sustenance of an artificial brain raises moral questions, namely regarding personhood, freedom, and death. Does a "brain in a box" constitute a person? What rights would such an entity have, under law or otherwise? Etc...

Looking At the progress, I Don’t see there is a much time left when we will soon see first woking Artificial Brain.

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