Monday, June 17, 2013

Why Hindus Offer Mustard Oil To Shani Dev Every Saturday ?

Mahima Shani Dev Ki

The Epic Story - 

Once, Hanuman ji Was Allotted some work by  Shree Ram near Raam Setu. As You know very well, Shani Dev is regarded as God who creates Obstacles in the work, so he started disturbing Hanuman Ji. Hanuman ji Didn't Liked it as it was creating a delay in Shree Ram ji's Work. 

Hanuman Ji Vs Shani Dev

Thus, he caught and tied Shani Devta in his tail and he continued with his work at the same time. Hanuman ji not only tied Shani Dev in his tail, but also he knocked continuously on big stones which was kept to build the Setu. Shani Dev tried everything, but he wasn't able to release himself from the grip of the tail of Hanuman ji. He was  badly hurt.

The God Of Justice


After finishing his work, Hanuman ji looked at Shani Devta. Shani Devta apologised and Hanuman ji very kindly accepted his apologie and rleased him from the tight grip of  his tail. Shani Devta then asked some oil to put on his wounds. Hanuman Ji gave some Mustard Oil. After Putting oil on his scars, Shani Devta was pleased and said that he would never ever create any kind of obstacle in the work of the ones who are true devotee of  Shree Ram Ji Or Hanuman Ji.

May Shani Devta Bless You

The Reason -

Since after having the oil, Shani Devta Felt Happy and Relaxed and got rid of the intense pain, people offer oil to him every saturday. It is offered to make him feel happy and relieve so as to remain aloof from his ill effect.


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1 comment:

  1. Logically, Lord shani is an oil presser (Teli), so he is satisfied if anyone offers oil to him on saturday. Besides this Lord shani is Bhakta vatsal, bakta rakshaka, he takes care of his devotees just like a mother take care of her child. Day and night always the one who worships lord shani with pure heart, no ego, to such a devotee Lord shani blesses all happiness. Approach Lord shani directly, Becoz when lord shani wants his person, he will just by his gaze. He keeps his gaze auspicious for good people, so dont worry, say Jai shanidev and enter his temple.
