Friday, February 15, 2013

Signatures OF God

Signatures Of God

Sometimes atheist taunt Religion is a pill, which must be swallowed whole, without chewing. Religion is a philosophy dealing in God. One can get plenty of evidences, facts & figures which can question about existence of God, but there are things which even a  fanatic atheist can’t explain or answer . In quest of searching our answers, Let us start with Basic and most fundamental point LIFE.

The universe is not fine-tuned for life. If it were, we would have found life everywhere in the universe. Instead, the universe is so overwhelmingly hostile to life that till now it only exists on one planet, our Earth. Our Earth constantly faces volcanic eruptions, quakes, tsunami etc.... but still life exists even in extreme conditions from freezing poles to extreme hot & dry desert, from most pure lakes to caves full of poisonous methane...How is it possible???? Anything beyond the boundaries of Earth is lifeless (till we discover alien’s) yet on earth, life is everywhere. Don’t you think, isn’t there someone who has blessed this planet with life?

Earlier scientist thought n believed that universe was in a wall and will always be eternal but galaxies flying away from each other meant that long ago they all were clumped together. Thus, there must have been something that started their movement and thus the Universe had a beginning. Creation of the Universe started some 12-15 billion years ago, At a time when there was not a single star in the sky in fact there wasn’t even a sky. There was just a DOT (primordial universe) and in a flash  something happened that lead to the explosion of the Dot (BIG BANG) and this is how all this started. Universe was created, Means someone has created it.

The Earth...its size is perfect. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupite.The Earth is located at the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn. How can everything be so right and so perfectly tuned with each other just with coincidence. Is it really a coincidence?? Or a super power…

Water...colourless, odourless and tasteless, and yet no living being can survive without it. Water allows us to live in an environment of fluctuating temperature changes, while keeping our bodies at a steady 98.6 degrees. Water, a universal solvent which makes it responsible for   the supply of various nutrients throughout our bodies and even into the thinnest blood vessels. Water is also chemically neutral.

Such a perfect tuning and interdependence with extreme preciseness to support life, only by mere luck or chance naah… It doesn’t make any sense to me. There must be a tuner or coordinator better known as “God”.

I was never brilliant in science...and never scientific facts and chunks made me exited...rather its simple logic that used to assure me....Every logical thing has a pattern, for instance we have a signature.. a flow of writing....a criminal or say serial killer has a pattern of crimes...terrorist groups such as al Qaida and LET has a pattern on which they operate. Our fingers has pattern as fingerprints. This pattern is unique for an individual or a group. One pattern that relates with almost entire things in this universe is the Golden Spiral. Throughout the universe and everywhere in nature we can find the Golden spiral and/or in the form of two successive numbers of the so-called Fibonacci’s series (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 etc.). Golden spiral is found everywhere like sea shell, cyclone shape, whirlpool in the sea, petal formation of flowers, figure prints, shape of our outer ear.....Even the shape of our milky way which is home of our solar system. From micro to macro and further to mega, this spiral signature is found everywhere.

There are people who do not belief in god and often argue that if there is God show me where is he and all such stuffs. It is quite obvious thing that one is not able to see in darkness...but too much light also creates darkness. Oh you don’t agree. Try to focus towards sun or a torch for a minute.... i can bet
you won’t be able to see anything. Too much light has created enough of darkness for you to see anything (too much focus will cause complete blindness forever) .Anyways my Aunty often used to tell me a story that there was a guy having no faith, a perfect  non believer, mocking at people who used to pray saying that they are wasting their time in a non-productive activity. One day he received a phone call that his mom has meet with an accident, he rushed to hospital where doctor informed him that blood was still oozing out of his mother’s body. They need blood of a particular blood group which was quite rare. No stone was left un- turned but still they were not able to find that particular blood warned every passing moment is crucial and if blood is not arranged immediately  they won’t be able to help...The guy was horrified he realised  he can’t do much and has lost his mom...completely helpless preparing himself for the worst news, he sat down......Suddenly he feels a hand on his shoulder  and hears a voice i have the blood group that your mother need ,  don’t worry everything will be alright... he looked behind and he saw GOD.
God show me where is he and all such stuffs. It is quite obvious thing that one is not able to see in darkness...but too much light also creates darkness. Oh you don’t agree. Try to focus towards sun or a torch for a minute.... i can bet you won’t be able to see anything. Too much light has created enough of darkness for you to see anything (too much focus will cause complete blindness forever ).Anyways my Aunty often used to tell me a story that there was a guy having no faith, a perfect  non believer, mocking at people who used to pray saying that they are wasting their time in a non-productive activity. 

One day he received a phone call that his mom has meet with an accident, he rushed
to hospital where doctor informed him that blood was still oozing out of his mother’s body. They need blood of a particular blood group which was quite rare. No stone was left un- turned but still they were not able to find that particular blood warned every passing moment is crucial and if blood is not arranged immediately  they won’t be able to help...The guy was horrified he realised  he can’t do much and has lost his mom...completely helpless preparing himself for the worst news, he sat down......Suddenly he feels a hand on his shoulder  and hears a voice i have the blood group that your mother need ,  don’t worry everything will be alright... he looked behind and he saw GOD.

In our lives many times situation comes when we are in trouble not necessarily that big one but yeah in a some situation which is not good and want to avoid at all cost. But there seems to be no way out and all of sudden something or someone comes and rescues us and we are out ...that’s the real moment when we realise god andfind his address.

Swami  Vivekanand :“ The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him - that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds me vanishes, and I am free. The more we come out and do  good to others, the more our hearts will be purified, and God will be in them.”

May God BLess You

* All The Images used are from Google Image Search.
** What is being shared is Author's logic and  in no way, It is meant  to hurt or offend any religious sentiments.


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