Monday, April 8, 2013

Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift - Virtual Reality Gaming Console
Oculus Rift - Virtual Reality Gaming Console

Good News for the Game Lovers. Virtual Reality gaming is here in the form of Oculus Rift. It is a high field of view, low latency and consumer priced virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD). It let makes you feel that you are completely inside the video game fighting in real with the villain group. It is being developed by Oculus VR. It will have a very high resolution that will let you to see the world in full HD. 

Field Of View Comparison
Field Of View Comparison

This is the beginning of the revolution for next-generation gaming. Though there are premium products in the market that can do the same, this product is somewhat special as the company is aiming to provide this product to you at just a price of ₹16500 (approx.$300). The package even comes as a development kit. The figure shows the field of view comparison oh the console.

 Here is the summary of its important features.

A Gamer Enjoying Oculus Rift
A Gamer Enjoying Oculus Rift. You Can see on the screen what he would be watching 

 The timing is perfect as the world is currently bombarded with the virtual reality topic that could also be attributed to Sword Art Online, the anime series featuring the characters playing games in an entirely virtual world. While we’re getting there, it could take a few more years to reach that level of realism. Oculus Rift is the first step.

Oculus Rift
Oculus Rift Eye Side View

All The Above Images Are Google Searched Images.



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