Thursday, January 17, 2013

God OR Godless

God Exists Or We Are Godless ??

The Earth revolves around the sun..but it wasn't always that way.The sun used to revolve around the earth  and it was like that for hundred of years, until it was discovered to be other wise by Galileo, and even for few hundred years after that.But ultimately after much of crying and screaming  the earth did infact begin to  revolve around the sun.Many religion’s like Christianity were wrong about the solar system. What if they are  wrong about other things too....umm like Basic funda of all religion    GOD.

Does God exist or we invented him to feel "better". I can't help but one thing I have  noticed that most religious people believe in God simply because they think he can help them with their daily problems.Oh God please give me a job. Or oh god please remove me from this crisis. Even people against corruption    try to bribe the Almighty like if i get 90% in my exam, I would offer you sweets or money to your priest. I guess, it is a vicious way to get something. Anyways that is between them and their GOD.

    If we look around us, we see how life is full of tragedies and calamities.It is rarest of rare incident of meeting with someone who is very happy. Or who thinks that the world couldn’t be more beautiful than this, but I think, truth is something else.  Life is full of suffering people constantly crying with various problems cursing their lives. Poor is crying of scarcity and hunger while rich cries for health or time or something else.

     But such world does not suit or proves god existence. People say God is supreme, most powerful, extremely merciful and  full of wisdom and lots of other stuff.But logically thinking if he is so powerful, so merciful, so full of wisdom why did he created a world full of suffering??? He could have created a world of tranquility and abundance???? (Epicurus an ancient Greek philosopher said once) Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

God Vs Satan

If we look around and observe nature, we see that there is always a counter part of light-darkness, fire-water, hot-cold etc. If there is GOD, then there should be its counterpart equivalent in its negative terms “The Satan”. In some religion, it is stated that God has created “SATAN”. Like “ASURS” in Hindu mythology, “MARA” in Buddhist belief and trust me, Anti-Christ is yet to come ... but question is yet unanswered. What is the need of negativity???. Let things be positive and only positive...Are we living in a world which is controlled by Satan and it has given us false belief that God is watching our action’s and will reward us for our good deeds, creating a world of dillusion and illusion...where as God had already been defeated and knocked out by Satan or something else.

Easily the biggest leap of faith that humans take is to believe that the God or some high power, exists and somehow he sees and guides our life. From thinking that an inner prayer is heard, to the belief that we will come face to face with a higher power after death, we think that God is not only real but everywhere. By definition, God cannot be proven through empirical evidence, and yet the notion of a higher power is something that gives us comfort that some one is there looking and caring for us. Is it GOD or some high power, the answer is not yet found.

* All The Images used are from Google Image Search.
** What is being shared is Author's logic and  in no way, It is meant  to hurt or offend any religious sentiments.


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