Friday, August 10, 2018

Capsula Mundi

Energy can neither be created nor it can be destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. Can the same be said for Life ? Well, we believe YES!! and what is making us believe is the Project "CAPSULA MUNDI" .

CAPSULA MUNDI Founders Raoul Bretzel (R) and Anna Citell (L)

CAPSULA MUNDI is an Italian company founded by two designers, "Anna Citell" and "Raoul Bretzel" which aims at changing the way we bury a deceased. It basically consists of an Egg Shaped Pot, made up of biodegradable material where our departed loved ones are placed for burial. Ashes are placed in a small egg shaped urns while the body is laid down in a fetal position in a larger pot. The whole CAPSULA is then buried into the ground as a seed. A tree chosen by the deceased while in life, is then planted on its top. This pod then germinates providing a new form of life to the deceased one. The tree as it grows is taken care by the Relatives and Friends of the deceased ones.


The capsule is available throughout the world through its official website subject to legal clearance. Cemeteries will thus acquire a new look and instead of cold grey landscape we see today, they will grow into a vibrant woodlands.


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