Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Significance Of "Qurbani"

Bakri Eid (also referred as Eid-Ul-Azha, Eid-Ul-Zuha or Bakr-Idd) - A famous festival of Muslims (Islam) celebrated with full dedication and enjoyment. In India, it is celebrated from the tenth to the twelfth day in the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah.

On the occasion of Bakri Eid, Muslims sacrifice animals (goat or ox or ram) in admiration of prophet Ibrahim's faith in Allah. This sacrifice is known as Qurbani. A Muslim, who performs slaughter, makes three portions of the meat. He shares the meat with his fellow beings. One third part of the meat is distributed amongst the poor. One third part of the meat is for family and friends of the person who bought the animal. The last third part is for the household of the butcher. For Muslims Bakri Eid is the time to meet relatives, to enjoy feasts, and to seek Allah's blessings.

How It Started 

There is an interesting story in Quran that describe its significance. Once Allah decided to challenge Prophet Ibrahim to prove his faith in Allah and asked him to sacrifice the most dearest and the most nearest  one in his life. Ibrahim took this challenge and decided to sacrifice his only son "Ismail".

Ibrahim's Faith In Allah

His love towards his son has the same strength as the faith towards "Allah". His heart didn't wanted him to do but his faith gave him the strength to put his own son on the altar at the mount of Mina near Mecca.It was impossible to see his son dying in front of his eyes. He could not imagine slaying his own child but he could not deny the order of higher power.   

The Sacrifice

He closed his eyes and took out his sharp sword. Reciting the name of "Allah", he slaughtered and divided the head from the body of his own son. He with his sad heart, opened his eyes and couldn't believed on his senses to what he saw. He saw his son "Ismail" standing hearty and healthy in front of his own eyes. A dead "Ram"( A Male Sheep) with his head apart was lying in the pool of blood. Ibrahim emerged as a winner as he accepted god's challenge with complete faith.

The Power Of Allah 

Since then people believe in the mercy of Allah and in the authenticity of Quran. They devotionally sacrifice a Ram/Goat on Eid-Ul-Zuha. On this holy occasion, prayers are offered and animals are sacrificed to show their faith and sincerity towards Islam. The festival also signifies the Ibrahim's belief in almighty.